Chord structure: what are chords made of, and why are they so called?

So, the structure of chords is a topic that we will develop today. And, first of all, let's turn to the definition of a chord, clarify what it represents. Accord is a consonance, a sound complex. In a chord, at the same time or one after the other, at least three sounds should be performed in turn, because the harmonies in which only two sounds are called differently are intervals.

Taylor Swift: interesting facts, best songs, biography, listen

Taylor Swift What can be achieved in the world of music, if you start a career at a very young age? The answer to this question is given by the biography of Taylor Swift, who was subjugated by the American public. At the age of 14 she signed her first contract, and at 16 she already released a successful debut CD. The owner of a pleasant timbre surprises fans with new singles, and detractors makes torment speculations about their success.

Concert programs of the ensemble "Semper-musica"

Concert programs: "In the name of Clara" R. Schumann - Quartet op.47 Es-dur for piano, violin, viola and cello I. Brahms - Quartet No. 1 g-moll op.25 for piano, violin, viola and cello The program is composed from the works of composers - romantics. This genre is easy for anyone to listen to, regardless of age, musical tastes and degree of preparedness.

5 harmful and 5 useful products for the vocalist. Power and voice

Nutrition plays a big role in the life and work of the vocalist. Sometimes the hoarse sound of the voice does not appear because of a sore throat, but with improper diet. The problem concerns not only the main food of the singer, but also the use of certain foods before singing. It is believed that vocalists are forbidden to only use seeds, as it is harmful to the voice, and before singing you need to drink raw eggs.

Interesting facts about art

Art - is part of the spiritual culture of man, a form of artistic activity of society, a figurative expression of reality. Consider the most interesting facts about art. Interesting facts: painting. Not everyone knows that art originates from the times of primitive people, and many of those who are aware of this hardly think that the caveman owned polychrome painting.

Music on the border of the great ages

At the turn of two centuries, the 19th and 20th centuries, the world of classical music filled with such a variety of directions, from which its magnificence was filled with new sounds and meanings. New names develop their own, unique styles in compositions. Schoenberg's early impressionism is built on dodecaphony, which, in the future, will mark the beginning of the Second Vienna School, and this will significantly affect the development of all classical music of the 20th century.

The song "Dark Night": the story of a wonderful song

Today, many songs of past years are forgotten, or remain in the memory of pensioners. However, smart performers periodically turn to the historical treasury of musical art, bringing diversity to their own work. So, many fans of Basta several years ago were surprised to hear the song "Dark Night" sounding in their lips.